Take care of your wellbeing by setting social media boundaries, and avoid comparing yourself to others.
Read MoreYou may have heard the words repurpose your content and provide content that you’re clients and audience want to hear from you, but don’t repurpose without a plan. Let’s place the focus back onto your ideal client and find out what type of information they want and how they want to receive it.
Read MoreSocial media platforms were created primarily as a way to connect with people, as a way to be social online without being in the same vicinity. However, with the increased popularity of social media and the ways you can promote your business with these platforms, some business owners forget about the ‘social’ part of social media and use it as a free advertising platform.
It’s been proven by experts that people will spend their money with those they know, like, and trust. But if all you’re doing is posting photos of your product or hyping your service or your signature program, you’re not allowing anyone to know you. If your followers don’t know who you are, it’s impossible for them to genuinely like you and you’re simultaneously hindering the trust factor.
So, show off your personality with your social media posts. Let the real you shine through and you will naturally attract your tribe of followers. Here are 3 ways to spice up your social media posts with some personality. Read on!
Read MoreSocial media is a powerful technology but it’s also misunderstood. In its simplest form, and originally the main reason for the creation was that social media was and still is a way to connect with old friends from childhood, school, and family, and a way to share snippets of your daily life. In its more complex form, social media is a unique way to market your business and products to the entire world in a short amount of time. It excites me so much what social media can do for the beauty business owner of today and the opportunities you have to grow your business with it.
While you can take months or years to study the intricacies of social media and craft business strategies, you don’t have time for that and really shouldn’t have to worry about it, but there are three common myths that I want to bust about social media so keep reading!
Read MoreThree Tips for Building Relationships Offline. If you depend solely on social media for your marketing, you’re missing a vast opportunity to market your business to locals right in your own backyard. Your marketing goal should always be to build relationships with people you can help with your products or services. Even though you may be tempted, don’t push the hard sell on people you’ve just met. They don’t know you, so they likely won’t spend their hard-earned cash on your product. However, by interacting with them at networking events, in addition to engaging with them on social media, you have built a foundation upon which to build a stronger relationship, which may ultimately lead to them buying from you.
Read MoreOverwhelm is a real thing in business. There is always more that could be done. More products to create, more blogs to write, more social media updates to stay on top of and create content for, more website updates, more clients to connect with, more, more, more.
Read MoreHere are five action tasks that will lead to increased income and business growth.
Read MoreHere’s how to master Instagram Reels for your beauty business. We give you the top reasons why you should jump in on this new feature right away.
Read MoreHow do you stay on top of self-care when you’re promoting your beauty business on social media?
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