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Become a fearless public speaker

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ABOUT Melanie Wood

Melanie helps People Become Authentic Communicators to ~Empower Others ~Inspire Teams ~Change Lives. Melanie is on a mission to help as many people find their voice in this world and shares her passion by assisting others to do the same.

Melanie is on a mission to help as many people find their voice in this world. She works with Solo Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Managers and individuals Passionate for Growth through her 1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching/Mentoring both online and face to face.

Melanie believes to become an effective and authentic communicator is not reliant on technical skills alone. Mindset, inner communication and confidence is key to developing this life long skill. Melanie supports her clients through compassionate communication, values, beliefs, your speaking style and skills. Which has transformed her clients to inspire change and growth in themselves, businesses and careers.

Melanie delivers workshops on: 

  • Confidence and Clarity to talk about your Business or Career effectively.

  • Storytelling to grow your Business or Career

  • How to Become a Fearless Speaker.

  • Unlocking the secrets to talk about our business with anyone, anywhere at any time with confidence and ease.

  • How to Pitch and Network effectively. 

  • Professional Speaking Presentations

Melanie delivers the workshops at Business locations and runs regular public events. 

Contact Melanie direct on 0438 464 044 or email to book.



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