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Master you, Master your business

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ABOUT Charlotte Pridmore

Who am I and why should you listen to me?
My name is Charlotte Pridmore and I am a Women's Transformation Coach

In case you’ve never heard of me **horrified gasp**, here’s why I’m uniquely & firmly qualified to tell you everything you have ever wanted to know about how to succeed in life & business from the inside out!
I am a qualified Ultimate life coach, NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapy practitioner and I have been a business owner for 8 years.

I have worked with hundreds of women who want more, and helped them get it! They go from feeling stuck, watching life pass them by wondering when this incredible version of themselves, that they know is there show herself! To showing up and being her every day, past dealt with and now only a positive expectation for their future and the confidence to take the action required in as little as 18 weeks or less.

I started this business because I was sick & tired of people struggling with there personal development and not finding a solution, and also because I wanted people to know that there is one...their solution, their salvation and their chance to forever say adios to being paralysed by fear & self-doubt




Your story TRULY


Limiting Beliefs




Who are you


The 3 C’s of Wellness




Boundaries and self-care


Understanding LOA


Trust the nudges


The bridge





Hello lovely!

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I hope you're enjoying being part of this community. Remember, if there's anything we can do to help you please get in touch with us. We are here to support you :)


We’re here for you

If you're feeling overwhelmed, need a helping hand, want some support, want to know which Masterclass is the best for you right now, then we're here to help you!

Or email us and we'll get back to you as fast as we can:
