How going on a holiday opened the door to building my beauty business empire
It was February 2016, my husband and I decided it was time to go back to our cruise ship days but this time we had a 1-year-old baby and we were going on as guests.
Travelling the world while working on cruise ships has somewhat turned me into a cruise ship snob. I didn’t want to go on any ship, it had to be the newest one from Royal Caribbean the company we worked for when we fell in love, and luckily enough there was the brand new Ovation of the Seas sailing from Australia.
Royal Caribbean has a GOLD standard when it comes to delivering the WOW factor to their guests on board. Being that they had a complete nursery to look after Emilio I was most excited about going down to the adult pool area and chilling out with a few books I’ve been meaning to read for ages. So I had 2 hours of bliss while Emilio was having fun with his new friends, and my husband caught some waves on the Flow Rider. For once in my new mum role, I had no work to get to, no cleaning or washing to fold, no guilt factor creeping inside of me for giving myself me time. Plus the added bonus was I had no wifi for 14 days!!!!
I know what you are thinking….. 14 days with no wifi, how did she cope, what did she do if she wasn’t posting on social media or scrolling aimlessly wasting the day away. Well, I kid you not, I have never felt so invigorated in my whole life! I DISCONNECTED, I had no distractions or notifications, and no attachment back to my clients in case they were trying to get booked in….. Everyone knew I was away so it was the first time in my 5 years of business that I felt I could completely switch off. Mind you it took until about day 7 to unwind properly, but I sure did get the hang of this laying on a sunbed – completely SPF Protected and reading, snoozing and dipping into the jacuzzi. It was only at this point where I really started to see the benefits of mindfulness kick in and how beneficial it was to give myself permission to actually relax which led me to start thinking about why and what I was hustling so hard each day for.
So what’s this got to do with how Beauty Business Co was created? Well, I was reading my books by one of my favourite authors Lisa Messenger. Money and Mindfulness and Daring and Disruptive. These books are complete game changers when it comes to giving you the courage to make your mark on the world. It got me thinking, if I’m working so hard at introducing new services into my business and growing my clientele I will be almost at capacity of no time left to give for my services. I will need to employ someone to work the hours I can’t.
I had a message come through a few days before leaving from an old friend about how I started my business and if I could give her any tips on how she could get started. This was one of many messages I get from friends, from networking, from clients who have friends that are beauty therapists wanting to start their own business. The burning question kept arising - I have no idea where to start, can you help?
Day 7 came, I'd finished my books which I was surprised as normally it takes me a month to finish 1, but I just couldn’t put these down. So then I moved onto my Collective Hub magazine, also by Lisa Messenger. I had a monthly subscription for about 2 years and canceled it due to not having time to read entrepreneurial magazines since having my son Emilio, however, when we flew to Sydney to catch the ship, I picked up an issue at the airport. Lisa always interviews incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs that share their journey and even though I’m more interested in Beauty Related articles, I always find peoples journey’s to how they came up with their business so fascinating. Hence the creation of my very own podcast – Confessions of a #BeautyBoss sharing inspiring journeys of beauty industry professionals! (more on that later)
I flicked to a page that was all about Goal Setting. Those of you who have been connected with me for a while will now know Goal Setting is my Jam and I absolutely love doing it in large and small scales all throughout the year. Here is a video I did on goal setting and how powerful it can be you can watch it here.
So Lisa talks about when creating your vision and goals, its helpful to create a future vision and then create goals that work back to today. Like everything when figuring out your purpose and how to get there, the way you set goals is completely up to you, as long as you are always checking back against your personal vision.
I was so inspired by this article. One night of the cruise my husband decided he would go into the karaoke competition – FYI he use to be a professional singer on the ships, so he knew he was in with a fine chance at taking out the Winner of the Cruise ship Karaoke Title. I had to put my son to sleep in the cabin and I had this determination that I needed to have my 10-year plan mapped out. So I wrote out my vision, my 10-year vision of what I would dare to do if I couldn’t fail, how I see my life, career and what lights the passion in my heart every day. This process is what actually led me to create your very own Beauty Business Vision Planner, if you haven’t yet mapped out what your vision is or if its time for a recap, check it out here and get started – I promise you its worth it.
I couldn’t believe it, my mind was clear, my goals were written down for the year ahead and the vision I wanted my life to look like in 10 years time. I’ve created a similar goals tracking guide for you to do the same and start turning your goals into a reality. Just so you know I’m writing this blog a year and a bit from when I wrote all this goals stuff down, and I’m kind of freaking out at how much has ACTUALLY happened. Where Focus Goes Energy Flows.
So that was it, I finally put the idea on paper, the business at that time was called Beauty Business Mentor, which is ironic as that’s what I call myself when I’m doing my videos now but the name changed over a process of elimination of a few others I had. It was going to be a site with templates to help beauty business owners easily implement so it saved them time. I am a perfectionist when it comes to the amount of research and effort I put in to finding the right products, machinery, consultation forms, design, and I just love creating new concepts in general but its very very time consuming, and when you are working in your business, instead of on your business a lot of the time, it doesn’t leave much left to have all of these things come together easily and smoothly in our fast-paced world.
So a year has gone by. I launched Beauty Business Co in January 2018. The goal is to really focus on building the community first, and while I do that I am gathering incredible experts I’ve found along my own #BeautyBoss journey to bring you Value Packed Digital Masterclasses that I wish I had when I was first starting out. This will be an exclusive membership platform, Coming late 2018. There is no way that I would be where I am today without them, because as much as I have been a solopreneur, Owning and Operating my own salon for 6 years, I have had a lot of support around me that I’ve been able to depend upon when it comes to my weaknesses in my business, and also to mention an incredible family that I can depend on helping me with my vision of being a #BeautyBoss mamma as well.
My message is clear. I want to inspire others to believe that they can achieve anything if they set their mind to it. I will do my very best to empower and encourage this message with everything I do in my business and in my life.
I’m so glad that you’ve stumbled across this blog and if you would like to connect more with what I am doing please tap on the links below and all will be revealed….